Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy new year..2009. Time really flies. It was just like yesterday when I joined KPM Indera Mahkota.Wow! actually it has been 5 years now.I joined KPMIM in Feb 2003. come to think of it..I've been a teacher for quite sometime now. I started teaching in 1992. I'm trying hard to recall and figure out what type of teacher am I or was I... I really could not tell. My real audience is my students and ex-students. I just wish and pray that I've done my job well in educating them, at least they had learnt something from me that they are practising it now, especially in their working lives. As for me, I need to always keep abreast with the changes that happen around me, especially with the IT advancement, that I can make use in my career as a teacher. I guess that will be one of my resolutions for the new year. I want to be a great teacher! InsyaAllah.