Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My sad story

I know I should have been happy when a very close friend of mine,Umi Kalsom Masrom told us- me and Ayu - that she'd got a job as a lecturer at UNITEN, Muadzam, Pahang. No doubt it was a very happy moment for her because she is getting a permanent job, which at KPMIM she's still on contract basis despite her many written applications and phone calls since 2008 to the MARA Headquaters requesting (or begging is more appropriate)to be made permanent. Obviously there're so many red tape, rules and what not in MARA. The good news is the delay in recruiting her made it easy for her to 'jump over' to other Institution and the happiest news is she isgetting a double pay - at 4K a month plus a RM500 monthly allowance. For this, I'm happy for her.

What make me so deeply depress are 2 factors. firstly, we have been close friends for years now - since we were crammed in the same room at the old building - then we did our Masters together and with Ayu, we were always in the same group, she was our 'pusher' who always reminded us the get our assignment done, schedule our group study - always sat together in the front row in every class. Having meals and do all the good and bad things together. Too many good memories with her. In many ways, she was naive - we made fun of her because we could easily make her believe whatever we say. we sure gonna miss her and her kids -especially Musyhid and Mukmin who were always confussed between Untie Jamie & Untie Ayu!

The second factor is why am I not as lucky as other people are? I possess a Masters degree in TESL but I am still the old me - no salary or grade hike, still a DG 41 English teacher just like the newly grad teachers. I guess the feeling of complacency in me leads me to where I am - it's NOWHERE