Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Primary School Reunion

I dont have the proper words to express my happiness meeting old friends whom I havent met for some 30 years. We were together in Primary school. Some of them still have the similar look on their face - only in the 'older version' like Amir, Tg Azlina, Radziah, Roziah, Nor Sham, Joe Adam, Joe hashim, Suhaimi, Nisah, Tay, Kiang and few others - not much 'transformation' happens to them so not that difficult to recognise them eventhought we havent met for so long.
But some like Fauzi Wahab, Shuhaimi Musa, Dato sri Ma, Dato seri Wong, Wan fauziah, Siti Badariah, Au Chi Shi, Yap and few others - they really 'transform' into someone else - be it in size or face transformation. I didnt know how they are until I looked at their name tag.
What a nice reunion at MS Garden, Kuantan- we had dinner, karaoke, made jokes, chatting . It was really fun. the dinner ended past midnight. I reached home at 1.40 in the morning with a very fulfilling feeling of happiness. Thank the Almighty Allah thet we are still alive for this reunion.