Saturday, July 30, 2011

Those aren't mine......but the dreams are!

There are many things that fascinate me, one of which is luxury cars –Buggati (like the one owned by The Sultan of Johor), Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lotus and many more. Every time I came across these wonderful cars, I always wished they were mine but being what I am now-just an educator, I couldn’t afford to own one. ...even if I choose to be on diet for the rest of my life plus sell my house, my asset, I still couldn’t afford it. But frankly I have no regrets on my destiny... I’m always grateful for what the Almighty Allah has given me. True enough, an educator like me couldn’t afford a Lamborghini ,which cost millions of Ringgit but I might help my students to own one. How? By being an effective educator who can manage to educate and motivate the students to excel in their studies and thus be great people in the future – successful entrepreneurs and CEOs of their own company. Insha’Allah, I will always pray for their success . It will definitely make me happy if one day I see my ex-student driving a Lotus sports in front of me. Perhaps that time, they don’t remember me anymore but that’s ok with me... deep inside me, they’ve made me feel proud. My students can actually own what I can only dream of.
Even though it’s not a Lamborghini that I own but I’m still grateful that at least I have a car which takes me everywhere without worrying where is the safest place to park, worrying about being stolen, being scratched... ..Owning a Perodua VIVA, I have no worries.

My dear Viva, let’s us just be small and together we make ways for those big people in those big cars-hopefully those big people are my students.In sha Allah!

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