Thursday, June 19, 2008

A yet another trauma stretch...

Waiting. It's not a pleasant thing to do at all, what more when you are waiting for your examination result which you are not so sure whether you'd given the correct answers or whether what you'd merely done was writing what you knew, instead of what were asked ...... I am not at all confident with my 'Second language Theories' subject. I just pray that I wont fail that paper.
I recall an old malay song entitled "Pernantian satu siksaan". Yeah. there's truth in the song...waiting for something uncertain is indeed a suffering!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Time flies...

Suddenly I feel like the huge rock on my shoulder has fallen down. What a relief! Finally the much awaited yet terrifying moment came - our comprehensive exam or CE as we called it which covers everything that we had learnt from semester One. To be frank, even though it’s over, I don’t really feel good about. The worry is still there. I might not it. I might fail. I don’t feel good in the Cik Pah’s TESL Methodology. The question was quite complicated. Got to relate this and that. Anyhow I just answered the questions from my own perspectives, based on my readings of course, and to the best of my ability. I always pray to the Almighty Allah that my friends and I will made it. The result is due to be out in three weeks time. The means undergoing another horrifying phase in a life of a student.