Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Time flies...

Suddenly I feel like the huge rock on my shoulder has fallen down. What a relief! Finally the much awaited yet terrifying moment came - our comprehensive exam or CE as we called it which covers everything that we had learnt from semester One. To be frank, even though it’s over, I don’t really feel good about. The worry is still there. I might not it. I might fail. I don’t feel good in the Cik Pah’s TESL Methodology. The question was quite complicated. Got to relate this and that. Anyhow I just answered the questions from my own perspectives, based on my readings of course, and to the best of my ability. I always pray to the Almighty Allah that my friends and I will made it. The result is due to be out in three weeks time. The means undergoing another horrifying phase in a life of a student.

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