Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy 77th Birthday beloved mother

On 8th January, my most respected, beloved mother turned 77. For all the loves that she has given us, the caring, the nurturing (from when our feet were just 2 inches long until size 6 shoes that most of my sibblings are wearing), so for all these we threw an unforgetable birthday celebration for her.
8 January happened to be on Saturday so we took the weekend opportunity to celebrate the birthday away from home - to a resort at Batu Hitam, Kuantan. We rented a villa, owns by Black Stone Resort and spent a wonderful night there. We had BBQ there, swimming on saturday & Sunday morning at the resort swimming pool, strolling, looking for shells (& small fish) hiding between the stone (or small rock?) and playing 'Galah panjang' on the beach. We also had fun competitions like who could stand not breathing under water the longest time,(Harraz won this) the fastest swimmer (It was a draw at first between Pak Nyang (Abang Man)and Fadzil but Fazdil won it after a rematch). Despite the raining, it was a real fun. Happy birthday Mak - we hope you were happy on your birthday and will always be happy because we love you so much.

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