Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Memorable Experience Presenting at an International Conference

Wow! For the very first time, after many years of attending the MELTA Conference( Malaysian English Language Teacher Association)as mere participant, this time round,in Kuching, Sarawak, I was one of the Presenters! It was a collaborative effort of Umi kalsom, Siti Rohayu and myself in producing a research paper on "Tertiary Students' Perception of English Camp". Only Ayu and me presented the paper. We are proud that finally we made it as presenter in MELTA under MARA full sponsorship and now we are aiming to do another research and to present it oversea. InsyaAllah, God willing we will do it nextyear. In Kuching, we stayed at Four Points Sheraton, a good, 4 star hotel with the state-of-the-art facilities focussing almost everything on 4 points ( the triangles and squares)which in a way makes the hotel so unique. Besides that the staff were very helpful and friendly. They smile at you all the time! In fact everyone was friendly at Kuching. I met a young chinese girl by the name of Kairi Takemitsu who didnt mind to use the smart phone to snap my photo with Dr. Jonathan Newton from Victoria University, New Zealand, who was also one of the presenter. We didnt really have time to see much of Kuching because the two-day Melta Conference started at 8.30 am and ended at 6.00 pm. Only on the last day,as we took a 7.00 pm flight back to KL, from 10.00 am to 3.00pm, we toured Kuching - we went to few museums, walked by the river side and not forgetting the Sintok market where we bought the famous 'Kerubok masin'.

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