Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Eyeing for the appropriate Young Adult Literature (YAL).

Choosing YAL books indeed isn’t an easy task. But why do we need to be so choosy? Isn’t any book is better than no book at all? Or what’s good for us will do good for the young adult as well. So just choose what we, the teachers like. Save us time, energy and perhaps money.

Those were the days when the teachers got the students to read and study literature books that the teachers found interesting. Regardless what the students thought of them. Ironically the books are meant for the students to work on!

There are 3 factors that should be taken into consideration when choosing YAL. The first is choosing for quality book, second it cater for the students’ interest and needs and lastly it fulfill the curriculum requirement.

Some indicators of quality books are believable characters who are multifaceted people, who are neither stereotypical nor prototypical. As for the plot, it should be coherent but not predictable. The conflicts should be reasonable and are resolved satisfactorily. The themes are significant and the settings are appropriate.

As for the style, the dialogue should be authentic, there’s clarity of language, vivid images and the descriptions are rich but not effusive.

As for the integrity of a work, readers have the right to expect to be treated as intelligent participants in the literary experience. Readers should never be exploited and have the right to expect the language used that is appropriate to the characters and the times, timeless themes that speak to timely issues and responsible presentation of controversial ideas.

The most effective way to determine students’ needs and interests is to go to the source. Students surveys and inventories that teachers develop are valuable in determining issues that concern students about their reading.

Basically these are the things that influence me when choosing YAL books.

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