Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Let’s share, discuss, connect & internalize literature

Sharing literature books that I read with others, be it my colleagues, family members or students is such a fruitful thing to do and it produces such a wonderful feelings inside. Obviously, from sharing, I gained the insight of others, their views, opinion and experience relevant to the issues discussed in the book.

Every time, upon finishing reading a book, I will talk about the book with others during our free time. I always start- I guess – this way “hey, I’ve just finished reading a short story entitled ‘Beethoven in Paradise’, I must say it is a good book. It’s a story of how a father makes decision for the child, even though he has grown up. The story is like this….” Then I summarize the story.

I express my reaction, thoughts and stance on the issues in the book. Even if my friends have not read the book, the issues are nothing new- they are always the global human issues, discussed and happened everywhere. For example, in ‘Ganesse’ the issues discussed is intercultural differences and in ‘Chinese Handcuff’, the issues is on incest. These are reality.
Then the other party’ turn to voice out their opinion regarding the matter. We talk about our stance and relate the issues with real similar things happening close to us. We read it every day in the local newspapers where such things do happen around us.

That’s how literature plays a role in fostering close ties with people surrounding you by indulging into the issues discussed in the literature book.

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